Saturday, September 21, 2013

Amitriptyline & Guaifenesin

Since my anxiety has been out of control lately, and I've been snapping at my husband a lot, I started taking my Amitriptyline again. It seems to be helping for now. But it's always the same thing with all these meds--they work for awhile, I get used to them, I up the dose, and then I stop when I get to the highest possible dosage. At least it'll work temporarily.

The Guaifenesin really helped, but I didn't recognize the severity of my case. I guess there aren't a lot of people out there that can honestly say they've had fibro symptoms for 26 years. When I stopped taking it, during the cycle, all my symptoms got worse again. Now I'll have to start all over, but this time I'm not taking a month off. Screw the cycling, I'll need to keep an eye on my diet and eat only alkalyzing foods since Guaifenesin can cause acidity, but it'll be worth it.

Once I get my symptoms under control, I'll have plenty of opportunities opening up for me. I might even get to start my Hospitality Consulting business!

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